Mastering the Landfall Tallneck Override in Horizon Forbidden West: An In-Depth Guide

  • Sophia Brown
  • Apr 20, 2023
  • 322
Mastering the Landfall Tallneck Override in Horizon Forbidden West: An In-Depth Guide

Horizon Forbidden West brings back the iconic Tallnecks, with players once again required to override these massive machines to uncover new information about their surroundings. The Landfall Tallneck, located near the west coast, presents a unique challenge for players, as they need to recover missing parts and find the right moment to hop onto the moving machine. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps necessary to successfully override the Landfall Tallneck.

Step 1: Locate the Landfall Tallneck

Locate the Landfall Tallneck

The first step to overriding the Landfall Tallneck is to find its location. This Tallneck is situated south of Legacy's Landfall, a settlement belonging to the Quen tribe. As you follow the coastline, keep an eye out for the Tallneck, which will be partially submerged in the ocean.

Step 2: Investigate and Retrieve the Missing Tallneck Parts

 Investigate and Retrieve the Missing Tallneck Parts

Before attempting to override the Tallneck, you'll need to recover its missing components. Dive into the water near the Tallneck and swim down until you can analyze it using your Focus. You'll notice an empty socket on the Tallneck's back, which Aloy speculates was caused by Glinthawks stealing the parts. The Diving Mask is recommended for this step, so make sure you have it equipped.

After this discovery, your quest will update with a waypoint highlighting the location of two Glinthawk nests northeast of the Tallneck. Swim back to the surface and head towards these nests to recover the missing parts.

Step 3: Acquire the First Tallneck Part

Acquire the First Tallneck Part

To reach the first Glinthawk nest, locate the ladder hanging over the water and shoot the orange section with an arrow to lower it. Position yourself on the building across from the ladder and look out for a crate that can be pushed. Move the crate closer to the edge, then sprint, jump, and quickly glide across to the ladder before falling into the water.

After successfully grabbing the ladder, navigate the ruined buildings and confront the resting Glinthawk. Defeat the enemy and search the nearby junk pile to find the first missing Tallneck part.

Step 4: Obtain the Second Tallneck Part

Obtain the Second Tallneck Part

For the second part, direct your attention to the larger building nearby with a Snapmaw swimming around it. Dive into the water and swim through the submerged ruins until you find an area to emerge inside. Using the Pullcaster, find a spot to climb up and follow the beams to reach another Glinthawk nest.

Defeat the second Glinthawk and search the nest for the final missing component. The junk pile containing the part should be situated above the spot where the Glinthawk was perched.

Step 5: Reassemble the Landfall Tallneck

Reassemble the Landfall Tallneck

With both missing components in hand, return to the submerged Tallneck and dive down to the empty socket on its back. Insert the recovered parts and watch a brief cutscene as the Tallneck begins to move. Although the machine moves too quickly to grab onto while swimming, you'll need to devise a strategy to mount the Tallneck from a nearby vantage point.

Step 6: Board and Override the Landfall Tallneck

Board and Override the Landfall Tallneck

As the Tallneck moves, follow it and identify a ruined building with a ladder to the right. Dive underwater, locate an entrance into the structure, and swim up to the surface once inside. Carefully navigate the precarious stairs and observe the Tallneck's pathway, positioning yourself on the closest roof for a strategic jump.

Time your leap accurately to land on the Tallneck, then slowly climb to the top and perform the override. With your mission complete, you'll have gained new intel about the surrounding area and conquered the challenge of the Landfall Tallneck.

By following these steps and employing a strategic approach, you can successfully override the Landfall Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West, unveiling new information about the game world and reinforcing your prowess as a skilled player.

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