Fierce Combat and Flashy Combos: Top 5 Alternative Games to Devil May Cry 5

  • Sophia Brown
  • Aug 07, 2023
  • 300
Fierce Combat and Flashy Combos: Top 5 Alternative Games to Devil May Cry 5

As an adrenaline-pumping action title, Capcom's "Devil May Cry 5" has garnered an extensive fan base through its thrilling gameplay, immersive storyline, and visually appealing settings. In case you have played it enough and are now in search of similar experiences, we have gathered a list of top 5 games that echo the same essence. These alternatives encompass engaging narratives, intense combat systems, and stunning environments that are sure to quench your thirst for action-packed adventures. Here is our pick for the top five alternatives to "Devil May Cry 5".

1. God of War (2018)

God of War game

Sony Santa Monica’s revamped franchise, "God of War", is the perfect brew of brutal combat and compelling narrative.


The game modifies the previous one-on-one combat mode to a more varied approach, accentuating strategic movements. The weapons include Leviathan Axe and Blades of Chaos, offering a depth of gameplay with location-based damage and detailed enemy behavior. Moreover, it involves puzzle-solving elements mingling perfectly with fight sequences.

Story and Setting:

In this Nordic mythology-inspired setting, Kratos, the protagonist, wrestles against gods and creatures with his son, Atreus. Their journey to scatter Atreus' mother's ashes atop the highest peak is marred with danger, laying out a tale of parenthood amidst a brutal world where gods walk among men.

2. Bayonetta

Bayonetta logo

From the creator of Devil May Cry, "Bayonetta" is an epitome of stylized combat and escalating power dynamics.


High-paced combat rules the gameplay, with players controlling Bayonetta wielding her four guns, and using magic for defeating enemies. It brings unique mechanics to the table such as "Witch Time", which slows time after evading attacks perfectly, and "Torture Attacks" for inflicting massive damage.

Story and Setting:

In a world of fantastic European architecture and supernatural powers, the titular heroine, an Umbra witch, emerges from a 500-year slumber, embarking on a quest to regain her lost memories while combating angelic minions.

3. NieR:Automata

NieRAutomata game

Platinum Games’s "NieR:Automata" fuses excellent combat mechanics with a profound tale, effortlessly blending hack-n-slash with RPG aspects.


It features varied gameplay styles, switching between side-scrolling, overhead, and third-person perspectives. Combat hinges on both melee and ranged attacks using different weapons, with an AI-controlled companion to provide support.

Story and Setting:

Playing as one of the androids from the YoRHa units, you traverse a post-apocalyptic earth ravaged by alien machines, unearthing truths about human nature and the significance of life.

4. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance game

A deviation from the stealth-oriented Metal Gear series, "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" is a high-octane spectacle full of cybernetics and sword fights.


It focuses on swordplay and agile maneuvers, implementing a unique "cutting" mechanic where players can conduct precise slashes and dismember enemies in slow motion. The powerful parry system ensures a rewarding combat experience.

Story and Setting:

Set four years after Metal Gear Solid 4, you play as Raiden who, after a tumultuous past, now combats Private Military companies and cyber-enhanced foes, searching for a sense of justice.

5. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice logo

From Software’s "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" offers a challenging action-stealth gameplay wrapped within a rich Japanese mythology.


Focusing on precision and strategy, the gameplay emphasizes clashing swords mechanic, stealth, and exploration. Rather than a traditional health bar, enemies have a posture meter, forging real-time sword fights.

Story and Setting:

Assuming the role of a shinobi called Wolf in Sengoku-era Japan, your task is to retrieve your abducted lord while exploring a vast interconnected world filled with menacing foes and epic bosses.

These games vow to offer an equally, if not more, intense experience comparable to "Devil May Cry 5". Each of these alternatives has intricately woven their gameplay, storyline, and settings in order to provide players with an unforgettable gaming journey. Whether you're a fan of Greek and Norse mythology, cyberpunk themes, Japanese samurai culture, or witchcraft, there's something here for you to enjoy. Engage with these games and prepare yourself for a rollercoaster ride of emotions and thrilling combat.

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